
Сargo Transportation in Michigan

Сargo Transportation in Michigan
Freight is defined as any good, product, or raw material carried by a commercial means of transportation – including air, highway, rail, water, and pipeline. The activities involved in the management of how and where freight moves are defined as logistics.

MDOT is responsible for addressing the movement of cargo by air, highway, marine, pipeline, and rail modes of transportation, including the interconnection of such modes. The functions needed to support this directive are maintained throughout department's bureaus and regions. 

Our truck dispatch services offer dispatching services for cargo transportation.

Michigan's three largest industries - manufacturing, agriculture and tourism - are highly dependent on good transportation systems. An efficient and dependable transportation system can lower costs, enhance competitiveness, and support just-in-time inventory systems for business.

Michigan Freight Plan
MDOT recognizes the importance of freight mobility in the movement of goods, products and services across Michigan. A safe, efficient and well-mailntained transportation network supports  cost-effective freight movement, economic development and improved quality of life.

This Plan updates the 2035 Freight Plan to meet new requirements in the most recent federal transportation authorization bill, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The Michigan Freight Plan provides a comprehensive overview of the state's freight transportation system, including existing assets, system performance and the investments required to ensure long-term success. A multi-modal and intermodal resource, the plan provides an overall framework for freight system improvements and priorities. It is an element of the 2035 MI Transportation Plan and integrates its overall vision, goals, objectives, strategies and decision-making principles.

If you are a truck driver and you are looking for truck dispatcher contact with our truck dispatch company.

Trucking and Michigan Roads 
Trucking is a vital part of Michigan's economy. Trucks move 67 percent of all freight tonnage in Michigan, delivering $408 billion worth of Michigan products to market each year. Since 1982, federal law has required all states to allow gross vehicle weights (GVW) of 80,000 pounds on the Interstate system and other designated highways. This weight is typically spread over five axles (including a three-axle tractor with a tandem-axle semi-trailer, making up the familiar "eighteen-wheeler"). Michigan and several other states have laws allowing GVW greater than 80,000 pounds, when spread over more than five axles, and have been allowed to keep these laws in effect. Engineering authorities, including the Federal Highway Administrations' (FHWA) Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study, released in 2000, found that pavement damage caused by a vehicle is not directly related to GVW, but to axle loadings, along with other factors such as climate. Michigan law controls loads on individual axles, not total vehicle weight. The axle loadings on a multi-axle Michigan truck are frequently less than on a national-standard truck: 13,000 pounds vs. 17,000 pounds.

What Would Happen if Michigan Truck Weight Laws Were Changed? 

If Michigan's current truck weight laws were repealed, under federal law they could not be re-enacted at a later date. The change to GVWbased weights would add 10,000 to 15,000 trucks to Michigan roads, creating more traffic congestion and heavier axle loadings. 

Michigan's roads and bridges were designed for the current weight limits. Changing weight limits would not only make it more expensive to ship goods by requiring more trucks, it would also mean that the money MDOT and other road agencies have invested in these roads and bridges would be wasted.