
Tips on how to fight sleep while driving

Tips on how to fight sleep while driving

Click the seeds or gnaw the crackers. It distracts from a nap because when chewing solid food it is very difficult to fall asleep - there is a loud crunch of crackers, and the jaws are actively working.
Chew the cud. When the muscles of the jaw and face are strained, more oxygen enters the head, which causes a feeling of cheerfulness.
Cut the lemon into slices and periodically sniff it. The smell of lemon stimulates the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the ability to concentrate.
Drink strong hot tea. Just do not get carried away with the fortress, as it affects the heart. However, chilled tea is of little use.
Drink coffee. Caffeine invigorates, if, of course, there are no contraindications to it. A cup of coffee will help ward off sleep for several hours. Just do not drink coffee after meals, so you want to sleep even more. In addition, tea and coffee are diuretics, so the driver will occasionally have to stop the truck to go "into the bushes." And this, too, will relieve drowsiness.

Tips on how to fight sleep while driving

You can drink energy drinks. They effectively fight sleep because they contain caffeine, taurine, and vitamins. But it is important - do not overdo it. A large amount of energy can harm the heart and liver because they have a lot of chemical additives.
Drink and wash with plain cool water. This will eliminate sleepiness for a while.
Make small stops (for 10-15 minutes). Take a walk in the fresh air near the truck, do a small exercise (just do not overload). Exercise raises the pressure, driving off for a while sleep. Take active swing hands, legs, rotation of the body, run in place (quite a few minutes).
Provide cool air. Open cab windows. Just do not abuse it, otherwise, you can catch a cold.
Listen to music, and better than foreign. Swedish physiologists have found that native speech quickly lulls the brain, in contrast to foreign. You need to listen to music not constantly, but with interruptions. You can even sing along. This will remove sleepiness.
Talk to your partner or forwarder. According to statistics, lonely drivers most often get into accidents. The conversation will help to overcome drowsiness. In addition, the waking interlocutor will be able to see if the trucker begins to be cut down.
Make cold lotions. If you apply something cold to your temples or forehead to a sleepy person, sleep will pass for a while. To cold lotions need to resort when you feel the imminent arrival of sleep.
Change the pose periodically. Adjust the seat is not as usual accustomed to sitting. The unusual position will cause the body to tighten, it will increase the concentration of the brain and remove sleepiness. Once you get used to the new position, change the fit again. The main thing is to ensure good landing visibility.
Turn on the light in the cab. Darkness mentally adjusts to sleeping and also provokes the production of melatonin in the body, which can cause greater drowsiness.
Avoid sweets and flour. These products tend to sleep. Sweet food obscures the mind and relaxes the body.
Shake your head and roll your shoulders. Truckers behind the wheel do not have enough physical activity. Head movements, neck stretching, shoulder rotation, deep breathing activate brain function and help to invigorate.
Rub your ears. Ears contain many active points, and their energetic rubbing will help to cope with drowsiness.

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