
Choosing the right route

Choosing the right route

Carefully develop the route and coordinate it with customer transportation.

Not all short roads are the fastest, safest and allow you to save fuel and gain time. Riding along a good track, even if it’s longer, often turns out to be much more profitable than driving along a short route, but along a bad road. You yourself suffer less and do not ruin your car. In addition, driving on good flat roads leads to lower fuel consumption.

The correct schedule will allow you to select and comply with the desired speed limit, which will lead to fuel economy. Try to avoid driving in adverse conditions - congestion, traffic jams, fog, intense heat, ice, strong headwinds. If there is a big traffic jam in front of you due to road works or traffic accidents, it’s better to wait in some place until it resolves. Instead of crawling in low gears and the gift of burning expensive fuel, better rest and have a snack. Then quietly catch up on the free road!

Choosing the right route

The same applies to movement in adverse weather conditions. Often it is better to wait them out than to travel inefficiently and not economically. In addition, you will not endanger your life and the lives of other road users, cargo and equipment entrusted to you. As a rule, it lasts several hours to clear the fog, calm down a strong, headwind, clear the road of snow, break or sand the ice crust on the carriageway.

Try not to drive into major cities at peak times. If possible, do it before. Build your schedule in such a way as to minimize the number of stops and pulling away. When stopped for more than 2-3 minutes, turn off the engine.

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